Over a year ago, Linux was brought over to the Switch and obviously, people that like tinkering with their devices took kindly to it. Fast forwarding to about a week ago, Android got ported to the Switch; yet, that wasn’t the end of the OS-porting saga as a brave soul is currently porting Windows 10 ARM to Nintendo’s latest console!
Windows 10 being ported to the Switch and what we currently know
As usual, everything we know comes from Twitter and this time around, the guy behind pushing the Switch past its limits is @imbushuo (Ben).
Right now, not a lot of information is available on the subject as the only proof comes in the form of two photos showing the Switch trying to boot up Windows 10 ARM (yes, Windows 10 isn’t exclusive to x86/x86-64). From these, the following could be summed up about the port’s current state:
- Obviously, the port is still in early stages but Windows 10 has at least started to boot
- There is support for a basic framebuffer as both the Windows boot-up logo and an error message were drawn on the Switch’s screen
- Some fixes to memory allocation are apparently needed for this port to progress further
- Most hardware components are unlikely to be working at this stage
What can Windows 10 ARM do? Can I get it right now?
If you’re scratching your head thinking about what Windows 10 could potentially contribute to your Switch, you wouldn’t be alone but there are some potential uses for it which include:
- With Windows 10 ARM, you can run x86 (32-bit) applications through emulation which delivers acceptable performance letting you run less demanding applications like Microsoft Office and older games like Fallout!
- If you’re interested in performance benchmarks, check out this link.
- The ability to use a better browser rather than the one bundled with the Switch but that can already be done with Linux (and possibly Android in the future).
- If docked mode is supported, the Switch could turn into a fully fledged computer when connected to a TV/monitor thus making it an ideal tablet if you want to get some work done on the go and at home.
- You can run UWP applications and games, like Asphalt 8, from the Microsoft Store.
Like the Android port, this one’s currently not available either as both ports are currently in development. From what we currently know, Windows 10 on the Switch seems to be in early stages so don’t hold your breath about a release any time in the near future!
Without a doubt, the Switch’s hacking scene seems to be getting more exciting by the week so if you’re thinking about buying a fusee-gelee vulernable Switch, now may be a good time. Furthermore, there seems to be a great deal of interest about getting other OSes running on the Switch as hinted by this tweet about the existence of a Discord guild regarding the subject. As a result, it be a good idea to think about grabbing a high performing large SD Card (when you find a good deal, that is) if you’re interested in potentially multi-booting your Switch in the future
For more updates about Windows 10 on the Switch, follow @imbushuo on Twitter by following the link below.
@imbushuo’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/imbushuo
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